One of the biggest challenges in building a network marketing business is meeting new people.

Today, we’re going to talk about how to find people organically; by going out into your neighborhood, into your city, and meeting the people around you.

If you’re just getting started with your business, this is such an easy, rewarding and effective way to start building your network.

When I moved to Atlanta, Georgia from a little town in Pennsylvania, I only knew one person.

Using the techniques that I’m going to share with you today, I put over 500 people in my database within 6 weeks. I ended up with good friends, new relationships and many people who joined my business.

When you go out networking, don’t think about looking for somebody specific. Don’t search for the perfect person to join your business or buy your product/service. Instead, think about going out, having a good time and making some friends.

Try to find some things you have in common with them. Maybe you’re from the same area, you’ve traveled to similar places, or you both have children. Whatever the case may be, finding what you have in common will help you figure out with whom you click.

Start building relationships first, because it’s with those relationships that you’ll find your biggest rewards. As you meet new people and get to know them, you’ll naturally find people who either want to buy your product/service or who want to come into the business with you.

I remember one of my best prospects was somebody I would laugh with at meetings. He eventually came into the business with me, but I’ll always treasure the relationship above and beyond the business transaction.

Next week we’ll talk about how to engage that person in a conversation about your product/service so that they’ll be interested in buying it or joining your business.

See you then!
Lorna Rasmussen

What Did You Think of Networking: How To Find Prospects Quickly, Easily and Organically?


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