I don’t think my husband realized exactly what he was doing when he sat down with me one day. 

He helped me make a pros and cons list about getting a job vs. growing the business I had already started. 

The question was, “Could I make a living in a job better than I could in my own business?” 

“Would getting a job fit my needs better than my own business was capable of?”

The answer was a lot more astounding than you might think.

Most people fall into a career, business, or job by accident. They hardly give it any thought, and it may not even be something that they enjoy. It becomes a job to make ends meet and to make them feel secure.

However, I think if we got anything out of 2020, it was that we need flexibility in our lives. We need a source of income that isn’t dependent on anyone else’s ability to sign our paychecks, and that’s capable of adapting no matter what challenges we face.

The interesting thing that I learned from it all, was that I never had to worry about any of those things. I started off on a long journey years ago, but with time, somewhat by accident and a lot by design, I became a lifestyle entrepreneur – I’m able to define my own future.

I can choose where I live, who I work with, where and how I make my living, and it’s all based on what’s most important to me. My core values.

Determine the lifestyle you want, and let’s work together to create a business (or adapt your current one) to match the needs of that lifestyle. Use that business to fuel the life you’ve been dreaming of instead of letting your work dictate how you’re allowed to live.

That’s one of the important aspects of the new Facebook group that I’m creating. We focus on how to determine what’s most important in our lives, so that we can make the right decisions to get us there. Once we know ourselves, starting a business or getting into the right career is easier and more successful.

Click here to start: Women in Business from START to SUCCESS

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