Most network marketing companies encourage us to prospect everyone…

But traditional marketing suggests that we find a niche.

But which method is best for your business?

If we pick one specific type of person…

Are we alienating the rest?

The biggest argument is, “Why should I niche down when I can reach more people if I don’t?”

So in this week’s video, let’s talk about it. 

We’ll dive deep into the pros and cons of niching down…

And figure out if it’s really the best option for you and your business. 

We’ll even look at the psychology of selling to decide whether or not it’s the right choice. 

Click the button below to watch the full video!

(P.S. If you’re looking for more in-depth tips and advice for network marketing, check out my Facebook group, Women in Network Marketing from Start to Success.)

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Learn the prospecting, selling and team building skills that got me to a six-figure income. In addition, you will receive tools, resources and inspiration to build the life you want and deserve!

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