I’ve talked to business owners from all over North America, in all stages of business, and I asked them all one question: “Who is your ideal client?” 

Depending on your answer, that one question can determine how successful your business is…

But many people struggle to master it. 

Knowing your ideal client is key to marketing, selling, and serving the people who need you… 

And it’s absolutely vital to make sure you ENJOY your business. To make sure you work with the people who need you most, and that you’re most passionate about helping. 

You see, many business owners simply try to target everyone. 

And while that may seem like a great idea at first, the problem is that the bigger your target market is, the harder it is to connect with them in a meaningful way. 

When you target everyone, you end up targeting no one. 

If you’re struggling to identify your ideal client, check out this week’s video. These 6 questions will give you the crystal-clear picture you need to take your business to the next level. 

P.S. Don’t miss our FREE masterclass on how to Determine, Find and Effectively Communicate with your Ideal Client. Click here to register: https://bit.ly/Ideal316

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