Last week, we talked about how to find prospects quickly and organically

But once you have a prospect, how do you bring up your offer?

Just like when looking for prospects, the main goal is to build a relationship…

And it stays the main goal throughout the entire buying process. 

So when you’re ready to transition to your offer, there’s one big question you’ll need to keep in mind. 

It makes all the difference when it comes to a sale… but believe it or not, most people forget to think about it. 

Click below to find out what that big question is, and why it’s so powerful.

P.S. This is one of the best ways to convert prospects into buyers faster than ever before.

Training & Inspiration in your In-Box

Learn the prospecting, selling and team building skills that got me to a six-figure income. In addition, you will receive tools, resources and inspiration to build the life you want and deserve!

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