So you’ve decided to start a business.

You have a plan in place and know exactly what you need to do…

But what happens when things don’t go according to plan? Do you keep pushing forward, or do you give up?

Sometimes in business, we encounter unexpected situations or outcomes. Without the motivation to keep going, it’s easy to let ourselves quit when things don’t go our way.

However, there are 3 things that separate successful businesses from those that fail: passion, purpose and a calling. They’re what drive us forward no matter what obstacles we face.

But… How do you find passion in a business? How do you make sure that it’s something you’ll never give up on? Find out in the video below.

It takes a lot of courage to start a business. 

But understanding the true reason you’re starting it, and putting a plan together based on that reason are critical to your long term success. 

You’re probably thinking…

“I started a business to make money. I couldn’t get a job.”

“I can’t stand working for other people.”

“I couldn’t handle being disrespected anymore.”

Or even, “I’ve always dreamed of having my own business.” 

In other words, your “why” is all about money or status. 

But the problem is, most people will give up if it becomes too hard, too much trouble or they don’t feel like they’ll be successful.

Your reason for starting a business has to be more than just a dream. It has to be more than just making money. 

If you want to be successful, you need to have two things: purpose and passion. Together, those are what determine your calling – and that’s the one thing you’ll never give up on. 

One of the first, most important things you can do is determine who you’re impacting by offering your product/service. 

In order to truly understand your purpose, you need to have a firm idea of who you want to help. This is often referred to as an avatar or profile of your ideal client. 

Are you impacting a certain type of person? 

Are you impacting a lot of people, or just a few?

What exactly does your product/service do for those people?

When you know who your ideal client is, you know how you can help them, and it’ll motivate you to keep going. 

For example, I love to help women who are stepping out and starting their own businesses. I feel that I can make a huge difference in their lives. I have 4 decades of experience, resources, ideas, and I’ve made mistakes so that they don’t have to. 

I have a passion for what I do, and I would do it whether I was making money or not. This is my calling. It’s my “why” for having a business because I don’t want to see other women go through what I went through. 

Before you start your business, I hope that you choose to build it around your passion – your calling – and that it’ll be something you never quit on. 

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