Happy Holidays from Costa Rica!

It doesn’t feel like that time of year here, but I’m sure it does for you with Christmas just a few days passed. I hope you’re having a wonderful holiday season, enjoying family and friends, and doing all kinds of wonderful things. We’re also getting close to the end of the year… which is exactly what I want to talk about.

Today, I have a gift for you that was given to me almost 25 years ago, and I’m really excited about it. As a Christmas gift from me to you, to help you with your New Year’s Resolution, I’m going to share Paul J. Meyer’s Personal Success Plan.

These 5 steps may seem easy, but they can be the road map to your success. Watch the video below to see his plan so that you can implement it for yourself!

(At the end of this post, you’ll get a free copy of Paul J. Meyer’s Personal Success Plan… don’t miss it!)

Step 1: Crystallize Your Thinking.

Fuzzy thinking gets fuzzy results. Determine a specific goal, and dedicate yourself to its attainment. If you’re not willing to put the effort into it or don’t know exactly what you want, then take some time to crystallize your thinking. You can’t move forward until you know what you’re moving toward.

Step 2: Develop a Plan to Achieve Your Goal, and a Deadline for its Attainment. 

I see this over and over again: people are sitting around having a drink with friends and they talk about things they want to do someday, but never take the first step to plan for any of it. There’s only 1 way to eat an elephant…1 bite at a time. Plan your progress carefully, in small, achievable steps that won’t overwhelm you, and choose a deadline. A time limit is a greater motivator for success than you realize.

“Organized activity and maintained enthusiasm are the wellsprings of your power.” – Paul J. Meyer 

Step 3: Develop a Sincere Desire for the Things You Want in Life.

A lot of people think they know what they want and think they’re excited about it, but when it comes down to it, they won’t put the work in to achieve it. Developing a sincere desire for those things is a motivator for your activity. It’s what pushes you to do what you need to do.

“The desire for success implants a ‘success consciousness’ which, in turn, creates a vigorous and ever-increasing ‘habit of success’.” – Paul J. Meyer

What he’s saying is that by really focusing on creating a habit of success, and doing what successful people do, you’ll, in turn, have success.

Step 4: Develop a Supreme Confidence in Yourself and Your Own Abilities.

In all the years I’ve been involved with sales teams (and looking back at myself), the #1 reason that people aren’t as successful as they want to be, is because they lack confidence in themselves.

“Enter every activity without giving mental recognition to the possibility of defeat. Concentrate on

your strengths, instead of your weaknesses… on your powers, instead of your problems.” – Paul J. Meyer

Pay attention to your self-talk. Are you telling yourself that you’ll be successful? Are you telling yourself that you can do it? Do you believe that you will accomplish your goals? When you can overcome that self-defeating, degrading self-talk, tremendous things will happen.

Concentrate on your strengths, focus on your power. We like to make excuses and say we can’t do it, but that’s exactly what holds us back from reaching our potential. Remember what you’re good at, and focus on it. Ignore the rest.

Step 5: Develop a Dogged Determination to Follow Through on Your Plan Regardless of Obstacles, Criticisms, Circumstances, or What Other People Think, Say or Do.

Believe it or not, Step 5 wasn’t part of the original plan. When Paul first put out his plan, people didn’t believe that he would be successful. He then added on Step 5 and decided that this was the most important step in your success.

“Construct your determination with sustained effort, controlled action, and concentrated energy. Opportunities never come to those who wait, they’re captured by those who dare to attack.” – Paul J. Meyer

Those are the words of my mentor, and if you can live by those, your success is virtually guaranteed.

Happy New Year!
Lorna Rasmussen

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