When recruiting people onto your team, remember that you’re one of the team members too.
You are, in effect, your very first recruit.

Often times we automatically see ourselves as the leader, but don’t think about the fact that we’re still learning and experiencing new situations just like everyone else.

If you aren’t facing challenges in those situations, you aren’t going to know how to overcome them. One of the best qualities a leader can have is the ability to solve whatever problems arise.

We tend to wish that we didn’t have challenges or problems, but instead of wishing things were easier, we should focus on improving our problem-solving skills. My mentor once said that the size of a leader is measured by the size of the problems they can solve.

Both you and your team members will run into various situations that you may or may not have experienced before. As you go through those situations, find solutions to whatever problems may arise. The more problems you have and solve, the stronger a leader you’ll be.

I believe that a lot of us hold ourselves back in the network marketing/direct sales industry, but I also believe it’s the best way for people to make a living.

Both here and The Success Journey Facebook Page, we’ll be talking about some of the basic skills you’ll need to be successful, as well as situations or challenges that may keep you from reaching your goals.

We’ll also have Facebook Live streams for the opportunity to talk about some of the problems you may be facing, work together to help you overcome them and be the best leader you can be.

I hope you’ll join us,
Lorna Rasmussen

What Did You Think of Problem Solving: The Key To Leadership Development?


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