A friend of mine once told me, “Nobody makes money until someone is uncomfortable.”

But what did he mean by that?

When you’re making a sale, usually somebody is uncomfortable in some way. The prospect may be nervous about making a decision, but the salesperson is often just as uncomfortable about asking them for it.

The problem is, if you don’t work through the discomfort and ask for the sale, you probably won’t get it.

Watch this week’s video to learn how to plan ahead and think strategically so that when the time comes, you’re ready and prepared to make that sale… even when it’s uncomfortable.

Special Offer for February

A lot of people get frustrated because they feel like they’re wasting their time on projects or tasks that aren’t helping them reach their goals. To solve that, I have a tool for you! 

The first step to spending your time more productively is to find out what you’re spending it on. Sign up below for the FREE Daily Time Analysis to help you look at your time, where you’re spending it, and how you can save it for what’s most important. Click the image below to download the forms. 

If you’d like extra tips and advice, don’t forget to like our Facebook page! We’ll have all kinds of extras being posted each week related to the topic of the video, and I’d hate for you to miss it. 

All the best,
Lorna Rasmussen

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