Running a business is stressful, time consuming and complicated. As business owners, it can be difficult to do it all by ourselves.

The good news is you don’t have to!

You can build a team who will be there to support you and help you with the growth and development of your business, and you can do it sooner than you think, especially the 3 people who are in particular vital to your success.

Watch below to find out who they are, and why it’s so important to have them on your team.

(HINT: #2 has saved my business more than once.)

One of the most important teams you can have in business is the ABC team. While these may not be the first people that come to mind, they play an essential role in your success.

The 3 people that make up the ABC team are:

Accountant. An accountant is the person who will keep you from making mistakes on your taxes, and make sure that you get every penny back that you deserve. Your accountant needs to have real knowledge and expertise working with small businesses and home based businesses, so it’s important to get to know them and make sure that they’re truly a good fit for you.

Banker. You’re probably wondering, “Why do I need to know a banker?” But one of the most beneficial things you can do is get to know your banker long before you need a loan or a line of credit. Talk with them, let them get to know you, and help them understand how serious you are about your business and what you do. That way when the time comes, they’ll be willing to help you get what you need.

Counselor. When most people think about a lawyer, they think about getting sued, or trying to collect money from someone who owes them, but that’s not the only situation where a lawyer can help. A lawyer can help you make sure your business is set up properly, and that everything you do is within the regulations you need to abide by.

I know for myself, I want to make sure that I’m getting the right counsel, that I’m hiring people correctly, and that I’m doing everything in a way that will benefit me in the long run.

One of the most incredible services I’ve used is called Legalshield. They have a plan that’s under $50/month, and you’ll be able to get the legal counseling you need to make sure your business is on track for success.

They create personalized plans to meet the needs of your business, and will be there to help you, answer your questions, and make sure that your business is protected.

Click here to learn more about what Legalshield is and how it can help you.

The ABC team has been such a valuable addition to my team, and having those people supporting me has saved my business more than once.

However, they aren’t the only people you might want on your team. Having a VA is another great resource to make sure that you’re spending your time on what matters most.

Think about what you do each day, and create a list with all of the things you do regularly. Circle the things that only you are capable of doing, and consider if the other tasks are worth your time.

By hiring someone to take care of the smaller tasks, you’ll be able to focus on what matters most in your business. You’ll be able to do the things that only you can do, and with your team in place, your business will soar.

For more support and training, click here to join our exclusive Facebook group designed to help women just like you achieve your goals and start living a life you truly love.

Or click here to talk with me more about how Legalshield can help you.

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