I love network marketing and direct sales.

I think they’re the absolute best way to make money – for everyone!.

Having said that, it’s different than the traditional business, and there are some important skills you’ll need to have (or develop) to be successful…

When I was around 45, I learned about network marketing and realized that it could be exactly what I needed. I was older, didn’t have as much time to put money aside and I hadn’t been able to save much.

After researching the industry, I saw that there was a real possibility to be financially independent, but I also saw that there were things I needed to learn.

I joined a company and within a short time, a team I had put together just kept growing; it was enormous and they were doing well. Asa coach by training, I knew what it meant to help people grow, but I didn’t understand the direct sales industry.

My sponsor told me to go out and work with those people. It was then that I discovered that there were a lot of things that were different than you’d find in a more traditional business. I had to learn these lessons fast.

Over the next few weeks, I want to help you hone your skills in the areas that are critically important to success in network marketing and direct sales.

I think it’s important that everybody understand that success doesn’t just magically happen. If you have a 6-figure income in the profession of network marketing,, it’s because you know something, you’ve done something, and you’ve applied yourself in a specific way.

If you’re excited about coming on that journey with me, there are two things I need you to do:

1. Sign up to get my Weekly Blog Posts in your inbox. You’ll get stories, advice, and ways to sharpen your skills to help grow your business and be the success you deserve to be. (You’ll also get the Free Wheel Of Life Tool to help you with your goal-setting.)

2. Find me on Facebook. If you’re in need of some problem-solving skills to overcome what’s holding you back, let’s work through it together! With Live Q&A’s and a community being built to learn and grow with others, you’ll get motivation and help with whatever’s stopping you from reaching the success you’ve been working toward.

Until next week,
Lorna Rasmussen

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